Location: Lucknow, UP, India

Interested in political, social and philosophical questions of concern.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


What we have seen in Mumbai is not something for the world. Unfortunately, during the last ten years or so, we have been witness to so many terrorist activities that such horrendous acts as the killing of 200 odd innocent people coming back home after a full-day's work, does not come as a big surprise. In short, we have slowly got used to such news. It is one more in the long list of events- more important for the academicians, students, journalists and experts. And off-course for the politicians and political parties of all hues and cries.
The coming of age of terrorism is not very old. Hardly 15-20 years ago, such events were a rarity, if not completely unheard of. But, with the kind of media attention these people get and the frenzied reactions such events generate, the implanting bodies find them the most suitable acts for their purported goals.
And what goals do these people have. A lot has been said in this regard and a lot more will continue to be said. Thesre are people who are motivated by religion- they feel that their religion is being persecuted. There are those who want freedom for their nation and/or region. There are people fighting for their mother tongue. There are other causes as well- to change the political/ social system or structure, to introduce some major or minor changes in the setup etc.
None of these goals is a new one. They have been there since many many years. But the concept of killing unconcerned or innocent or common people was not a prevalent one. On the opposite, some thoughts were abhorred and condemned. But, with the advancement of civilization, we have come to accept this as well. As the saying goes- Everything is fair in love and war.
And if there is war, there has to be sound and fury. There has to collision. There has to be destruction. There has to be death. Death of every person who helps in winning the war. Destruction of everything that helps achieve the objective.
That death can be of any one. That destruction can be of any thing. And of-course anywhere. It doesnot matter if it is you or me or someone near and dear to either of us. It can be the terrorist's own son or daughter or his/her spouse or father/mother. Afterall, his own living place might as well be a playing turf for some other warfare.
With the rise of the number of troublespots in the world and the ever increasing fields of hatred and bitterness, it is not a distant future when none of us will be free of this great game called terrorism.
Let us all celebrate this- the coming of man to its age.
Amitabh Thakur


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